


Sign up and start saving today!
The ScriptSave® Prescription Savings Card is available at no cost to you. There are no monthly or ongoing fees, no limits on usage and no income or age restrictions. You and your entire household can use the card to receive instant savings on brand name and generic medications. Savings average 36%, with potential savings of up to 75% (based on 2012 national program savings data). All prescription drugs are eligible for savings. Over 62,000 participating pharmacies nationwide accept the ScriptSave® Card.

Additional Savings Opportunities
In addition to prescription savings, the ScriptSave® Card also provides savings on vision care, hearing care and daily living products.

Log in to view full AAOA member benefit details and discounts. If you are a new AAOA member, please register using the button below.

You must be a member of AAOA to view full benefit information.
To create a login, click Register.

